A New Cooking Adventure :)

If your husband makes a dinner request…chances are, you’re going to end up researching how to make enchiladas.

(I may have red If You Give a Pig a Pancake today while subbing in the library.)

2016-02-10 14.17.52
Excited face because I’m attempting enchilada making later!!

Literally his conversation started with, “Hey, do you know how to make enchiladas?” Followed by me going, “Uhhhhh….I know how to make enchilada casserole?” He was less than thrilled with that. I tried my hardest to avoid rolling the enchiladas, but I lost that battle. (ALSO: I was supposed to try them with ketchup, but I sort of forgot. He and his dad eat them this way apparently. Don’t ask.)

Commence the Internet/Pinterest search for how to roll them/an easy-ish recipe!!!! I watched some Youtube videos and convinced myself that I could actually do this.

I made cheese enchiladas because well, ultimately that’s THE best kind 🙂

In the end, it wasn’t that hard really, at least not nearly as difficult as I envisioned it being.

So, there is my adventure dinner for the week 🙂 Sometimes, I cook. ALSO!!! These were SO DANG GOOD. I’m so proud of myself!!! I’m also proud of myself for actually eating this for dinner. Even though, I did make a Kairos-Version and a Marty-Version of these. I still did it, y’all.


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