Category Archives: Thinking Out Loud

Thinking Out Loud 6/22

Linking up with Amanda over on Running With Spoons for thinking out loud.

Thinking-Out-Loud21. First things first! I finally finished my latest cross stitch pattern (don’t worry, I already ordered another. One could say I’m a bit obsessed.) The one I just finished was Alice in Wonderland themed. Personally, I think it’s super cute. It’s the biggest and most complex one I’ve completed so far. I’m awful proud of myself.

I ironed it all out after this picture. 

2. I thought Pretty Little Liars was kind of uneventful this week…for being the premiere and all. Honestly, I’m not that into the show anymore, mainly because I just can’t keep track of all the characters, all the crazy random things from seasons back that seem to suddenly matter and I just can’t remember all the wacky things that have occurred over the seasons. I just forget! Quite frankly, I’m pretty ready for this show to come to an end even though I’ve enjoyed it. I’m sticking with it though!! I didn’t watch for this many years not to see this thing through to the end!

3. On the other hand, Marty and I kept seeing all the previews for the new show called Guilt on Freeform. Basically, every time we saw it we would kind of poke fun at it but I was still just a bit interested. I ended up watching the show and I’ve got to say, I’m already kind of sucked into this show. I’m pretty excited to have a brand new show to watch. I WILL NOT be watching that new Dead of Summer show though. Just no.

4. I’ve started rereading the Little House series again by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I’ve always loved these books so I just thought they would be a good summer reading project. It will also be a good way to pass the time while I wait for my new cross stitch pattern to come in the mail. (I usually don’t order them.) Anyway, the books got me thinking that maybe I should start watching the show so now I’ve got the DVR recording them whenever they come on. I feel like such an old soul. But Laura Ingalls is just so cute!

Source #1 Source #2

5. Finally, on Tuesday I got to watch Finding Dory! I went with one of my friends and that movie is just too cute for words! I really did enjoy watching it. I was a bit nervous about it because Dory wasn’t exactly one of my favorite characters from the original flick. I’m glad I got to see it though 🙂 Thanks discount Tuesdays at our local Cinemark!

Thinking Out Loud 4/28

Thinking Out Loud this week with Amanda over on Running With Spoons 🙂

  1. All last week pretty much was rainy. This week, it’s finally starting to feel like April/beginning of May!! April showers brings May flowers? These warm days now have got me reflecting on life so often. I catch myself staring at God’s beautiful scenery, the greenery He has growing in the fields and the trees that have leaves coming back and the beautiful sunsets He paints. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. So of course, I have to take pictures in it.

2. Ebay is one of THE coolest places, y’all. I hope whoever invented that site is a billionaire at this point. Genius. I can get cool stuff (that others might find dorky) likeeee…. Peanuts miniature keepsake ornaments from Hallmark!



3. I have this thing lately where I like to save all of the inspirational quotes/body positive things I come across on Facebook. Today I have 3 to share. Leslie Knope gets me every time. Also, the dog food comparison is gold!


I think all of these came from

4. Am I the only one who is basically obsessed with decorating for the holidays even when they are nowhere near??? It’s probably just me. I’m odd like that. It’s just so fun! Maybe it stems from this is my first year to be married??? I don’t know. Actually, right now I’m obsessed with finding a wreath for our front door.

5. Do yourself a favor and look up Sheldon the Tiny Dinosaur on Pinterest or on Sheldon the Tiny Dinosaur. This is the cutest thing I’ve seen in a while! I came across him by accident on Pinterest yesterday. He’s a dinosaur that thinks he is a turtle. You can’t not smile when you see these! They have given me life….yeah, I’m such a dork.


Image Source

6. Lastly, I’ve never in my life been a watch wearing person. However, now that I’m older, I find myself in search of a wrist watch. Sure, my phone is great, but I wear dresses often and they don’t always have pockets to put my phone. Plus, it isn’t always appropriate to be whipping your phone out, especially in a classroom or meeting. I’m on a quest for a watch with a strap. NOT one of the bracelet ones….they pinch me. Ouch!


Thinking Out Loud 4/14

It’s Thursday!!! Almost Fri(YAY)! So I’m going to join in with Amanda over on Running With Spoons


Here we GO!

1.I’ve really been searching for blogs/bloggers to follow lately. Mainly women and on topics that interest me. I’ve been really into the whole home decor/living stuff lately and I’ve slowly started to become pretty invested in Jennifer Ross and her Youtube/blog Pretty Neat Living. She’s just super cute, way organized, she seems so sweet and genuine, oh and it doesn’t hurt that she’s a new mom to a precious little girl. Check it out 🙂

2. I’ve finished my Laura Bush book Spoken From the Heart. It was a fantastic read! I would recommend that to anyone who just wanted to learn more about Laura Bush as a person. It was especially interesting if you are an educator of young minds like me 🙂

3. In other news, I’m about enter even more into ‘old lady’ status. Since I was watching Jen’s Youtube channel about just life in general, I was watching her holiday home tour and she was saying how she collects Williams and Sonoma holiday plates, a whole bunch of Peanuts decor and some cute mugs. This got me thinking……I should collect something. Y’all, I’m going to collect salt & pepper shakers. Here’s my first purchase:162031341046_1How cute are these Mr. and Mrs. Humpty Dumpty ones?! I couldn’t resist and I really wanted to start my collection.

4. I guess I must have been feeling pretty cute on Sunday. I decided I needed an outfit selfie.

5. This is what happens when your husband has been cleaning out his grandfather’s house. He brought all sorts of treasures home. Good thing I’m in love with old stuff!


6. Lastly, on Sunday ( April 17th) my husband and I will have officially been married for 6 months 🙂 ❤ We have the top tier of our cake saved for our 1st anniversary so I think I’m gonna bring home 2 cupcakes to do a mini celebration. I’m corny like that.


Home Decor & Easter Cakes (TOL)

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!! Don’t even think about pinching me.

I’m already Irish enough anyways.

It’s time for Amanda’s linkup over on Running With Spoons with Thinking Out Loud Thursday!!!

Thinking-Out-Loud21. Nature’s Bakery. I grabbed these at the store the other day because I liked the Nature’s Bakery fig bars and these were chocolate. I love chocolate so I couldn’t pass them up! I’m pretty sure I’m made up of half chocolate or something like that……


Verdict: I thought they were super yummy and delicious, my mom did not share the same opinion. I think they kind of taste like a Little Debbie’s cosmic brownie (obviously they are NOT the same) but she says that they taste good, but they clearly aren’t the real deal.

2. Yesterday was shopping day in San Antonio with my Mommy 🙂 ❤ If you haven’t noticed, I hang out with my Mom a bunch. It’s my thing. Kinda similar to Gilmore Girls I guess. Anddddd the heart shaped sunglasses make their appearance 🙂

It was a day full of adventure. Which brings me to my next point…


3. This picture has been a depiction of how I feel 99.9% of my life lately.

Since yesterday I didn’t really have the time to be a slave to running a set amount of miles or climb on top of an elliptical, I have just cycling this through my brain on repeat. I have to remember that I don’t NOT deserve to eat simply because I didn’t train as hard or go as far a I usually do. I have to remember that my worth does not change daily and it certainly isn’t measured by how far I can run or how close I can push my body to it’s breaking point. It doesn’t matter if I ran 6 miles or I only walked 3.5 yesterday. It was still okay to eat. I think…………..



4. Big cities are really the coolest sometimes. They have so much cool stuff that we don’t get to have in small town life!!!

I definitely notice that I’m beginning to change in life. I suppose that’s due to getting older, getting married and developing a more “grown up” style of life. The main way I noticed this was because when shopping yesterday I was basically forgoing all clothes browsing options and going straight home décor. I just want to decorate…like everything!

We went into a World Market for only the second time in my life and it was awesome! We so need one of these were I live. I didn’t get anything super interesting but I did get some more acrylic cups. We got some cups like that for Christmas and M uses them constantly so I’m always running the dishwasher. It seemed like a smart purchase.

5. WHOLE FOODS. It’s overwhelming and magical all at the same time! It was the first time I’d ever set foot in one. We weren’t even in the door yet and I was already in love with the place because they had my favorite flowers outside: tulips ❤

untitled2We got some interesting food items. Most importantly these Immaculate Baking Soft Pretzels!! I’m going to workout this morning and then bake them. I’m so excited because pretzels-no matter the kind- are some of my favorite things to eat.

6. Lastly, at Whole Foods…LOOK AT THESE CAKES!!

untitledEaster cakes are simply THE cutest! Check out the adorable bunny that is just too cute to eat and then the sweet lamb behind it. Easter is a holiday to me that isn’t really fun unless you have a kid or are a kid but the décor is just too precious!! There I go again with the home décor!

Random side note: I also updated my About Me page!

I hope you have a wonderful day and a fantastic rest of the week!!! 🙂 Thanks for letting me think out loud.

Thinking Out Loud #2

Three words. Lean cuisine pizza. 

  1. It’s been a very, very, very long time since I’ve have the courage to eat a microwave pizza. Microwave anything, probably. This pizza has been living in my freezer for weeks. Weeks I tell you! I’ve been trying to work up to this thing for what feels like forever now. Not that it’s really that bad for you, but my mind and Ed have me convinced that it is. All day long yesterday I worked and worked myself up to this. I spent the day coaching myself, telling myself that I did deserve food and that it would be all A-Ok! All. Day. Long.

Now, let me just say, that this IS NOT now my favorite flavor. I’ve never tried it…but I chose it for reasons that don’t need to be listed. However, it wasn’t totally disgusting, it was fairly tasty and I would probably purchase it again. My all time favorite is the four cheese 🙂

Victory in pizza and Ed land here.

2. I’ve decided I’m thinking out loud with quotes. This just spoke to me. It also made me chuckle pretty hard. I’m not  going to elaborate on this quote, it pretty much speaks for itself. Just let it sink in.

Barbara Spanjers- Cake Is Magical Wellness

3. This quote also made me laugh…the green juice. I’m sorry, I actually like the color green but I also feel pretty uncomfortable about drinking it. But this is SO dang true! It doesn’t matter how much yogurt, fruits or how many vegetables I consume, if I’m still freaking out about even *thinking* about eating a York Patty or some other kind of dessert, that’s not mentally healthy or stable! Normal people and intuitive eating don’t work like that. Peace with food doesn’t mean that I constantly have to figure out how to rid my body of calories, think about how they are going to affect me or how I can suppress my random hunger during the day. That’s not normal and that’s not peace, girl, that’s still pretty hell-ish.

Jennifer Rollin and

4. On a happy note, we all know that I’m a 6 year old trapped in a 21 year old body with the hobbies of a 60 year old woman…and I’m kind of obsessed with Charlie Brown, Snoopy and The Peanuts. I came across with while searching it on Pinterest……..

How dang cute is this?!?!?! Doesn’t your heart just melt?!!!! Also, if Beagles actually resembled Snoopy in the slightest, I would definitely, positively own one. Too bad they don’t 😦


I now need to find this on a DVD so I can watch it over and over.

That’s my random rambling for my Thinking Out Loud Thursday.


Thinking Out Loud brought to you by Amanda with Running With Spoons


Thinking Out Loud…Running With Spoons

I’ve been reading this blog called Running With Spoons for a little while now and I’ve decided to try one of her Thinking Out Loud posts. Hers are pretty good, so mine I’m sure will pale in comparison.


. thinking out loud .

What they are is just a post about random things that are happening in your life, pictures or just anything really. So, here goes nothing!

#1 Excitement: I’m going to get to sub this week!! And some next week!! Yay!!!!!!! Most of you know that I graduated in December with a degree in early childhood education so I’m excited that I’m going to get to be in a classroom and basically get to be teacher for the day. I think this will be good for me. Sorta ease me back into the routine and keep me from getting to rusty. Mainly, I’m just excited because I get to go back to one of the classes that I did my student teaching in. Can’t wait to see how much they have learned and grown 🙂

#2 Annoyance/Mini Rant: The DARN radio!!! My gosh!! Half the time I just want to throw my pen at that dang thing! I want to throw it out the window! If isn’t a commercial it’s the same song that they’ve been playing for monthsssss. It just grinds my gears some days! I have a fairly lengthy drive from my house to town so I listen to the radio a bunch. I listen to my Ipod over the radio often, but there is just something about the radio I like. Can’t a girl just get some better tunes?!

#3 New Show/Obsession: I’ve been spending mornings at home lately seeing as I don’t really have a consistent job to go to. Let me just tell you there is literally nothing on TV at 7:00-10:00ish a.m. Nothing!! Due to boredom, I’ve recently become slightly obsessed with the TODAY Show. I just like it! Not positive why it appeals to me so much but it really does. It’s like having friends come into my living room in the morning 🙂

#4 More Excitement: OHHHH!! I checked the mail today and guess what was there?! My new social security card!!!! That’s right, my last name has officially changed 🙂 Only almost 3 months late…..

#5 Not sure what to do with the rest of these bananas: I’m pretty much super obsessed with bananas. They are a constant staple in my house. Life my not continue if we run out of bananas! (Just kidding!) But I have a few old ones that I don’t wanna throw out, but I’m not really sure what to make with them either?? I don’t know that I wanna make banana bread, so I’m going to do some searching on Pinterest and if I fail at that I’ll probably go back to banana bread (which is still a win!)

There’s my random rambling for the day. Thinking out loud 🙂