Tag Archives: Peanuts gang

Fun Friday 8/5

What did I do my last week before I become an officially employed person? I watched way too much Scandal, made cinnamon bread and wished it was fall instead of summer! That’s normal, right???

I’m such a boring person……


I’d be lying if I said Hobby Lobby wasn’t one of my “happy places”. It definitely is. I love that place. I’m kind of been wishing it was fall these past couple of days and Hobby Lobby didn’t help. Although, I kind of brought the yearning for fall upon myself. I made cinnamon bread the other night and I put a scent in our bathroom wallflower from Bath & Body Works that smells like ‘warm apple pie’. It’s magnificent though! No regrets there!

I had to visit Hobby Lobby to get some new thread for my new cross stitch project. I swear, I don’t know how I don’t have every color. And since they always put out holiday things way too far ahead I got to explore Thanksgiving and Christmas 🙂

20160804_121034I am totally convinced that I’m going to need this little turkey door sign when it actually gets closer to fall. How could you not find him totally adorable?!

I did practice some self control yesterday…because I kind of have a thing for Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang. They did have some Charlie Brown Christmas theme decor.


I feel like they are nutcrackers but I’m not positive. How cute though!!!!

Finally, if you like classic Christmas animation, I think you might like these cuties.


Rudolph and Clarice!! 20160804_122749

If I had a child I would be all over these. I just think they would need them. When I was a kid I had to settle for a Rudolph stuffed animal that only kind of looked like him. Jealous.

I think I just had a little too much fun yesterday exploring Hobby Lobby.

Link Love 6/12

Happy Sunday!!!! 🙂 I’m so excited for this week!! My Mom and I are going to Dallas later this week to do some shopping/visit the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum/just get away. 20160604_190421


What Fashion Era Do You Belong In? by Kimia Madani via livingly.com

50’s Romance Era 🙂

This Is What the Perfect House Looks Like, According to Pinterest-by Angela Elias via Popsugar

Health/Body Image:

What Does Healthy Even Mean? – by Robyn via The Real Life RD

This was beautiful. It made my heart smile and feel good for a meager minute. I’m trying so, so, so very hard and even reading the same sentence of “loving and appreciating your body no matter what your pant size” is over and over again is how I find 5 minutes of comfort, I’m going to read those words every hour of ever day until it sinks in.

Side Stitch: What Causes it and How to Prevent It-by Lizzie Fuhr via PopSugar

This happens to me all too often.

26 People Share The Important Reasons They Stopped Dieting– by Sally Tamarkin via Buzzfeed

The Peanuts always make me smile, so here’s hoping they help you smile as well 🙂


Image Source

Thinking Out Loud #2

Three words. Lean cuisine pizza. 

  1. It’s been a very, very, very long time since I’ve have the courage to eat a microwave pizza. Microwave anything, probably. This pizza has been living in my freezer for weeks. Weeks I tell you! I’ve been trying to work up to this thing for what feels like forever now. Not that it’s really that bad for you, but my mind and Ed have me convinced that it is. All day long yesterday I worked and worked myself up to this. I spent the day coaching myself, telling myself that I did deserve food and that it would be all A-Ok! All. Day. Long.

Now, let me just say, that this IS NOT now my favorite flavor. I’ve never tried it…but I chose it for reasons that don’t need to be listed. However, it wasn’t totally disgusting, it was fairly tasty and I would probably purchase it again. My all time favorite is the four cheese 🙂

Victory in pizza and Ed land here.

2. I’ve decided I’m thinking out loud with quotes. This just spoke to me. It also made me chuckle pretty hard. I’m not  going to elaborate on this quote, it pretty much speaks for itself. Just let it sink in.

Barbara Spanjers- Cake Is Magical Wellness barbaraspanjers.com

3. This quote also made me laugh…the green juice. I’m sorry, I actually like the color green but I also feel pretty uncomfortable about drinking it. But this is SO dang true! It doesn’t matter how much yogurt, fruits or how many vegetables I consume, if I’m still freaking out about even *thinking* about eating a York Patty or some other kind of dessert, that’s not mentally healthy or stable! Normal people and intuitive eating don’t work like that. Peace with food doesn’t mean that I constantly have to figure out how to rid my body of calories, think about how they are going to affect me or how I can suppress my random hunger during the day. That’s not normal and that’s not peace, girl, that’s still pretty hell-ish.

Jennifer Rollin and http://www.karenmeier.com

4. On a happy note, we all know that I’m a 6 year old trapped in a 21 year old body with the hobbies of a 60 year old woman…and I’m kind of obsessed with Charlie Brown, Snoopy and The Peanuts. I came across with while searching it on Pinterest……..

How dang cute is this?!?!?! Doesn’t your heart just melt?!!!! Also, if Beagles actually resembled Snoopy in the slightest, I would definitely, positively own one. Too bad they don’t 😦



I now need to find this on a DVD so I can watch it over and over.

That’s my random rambling for my Thinking Out Loud Thursday.


Thinking Out Loud brought to you by Amanda with Running With Spoons http://www.runningwithspoons.com


Link Love: Valentine’s Day Edition

Happy Valentine’s Day!!! ❤ 

I’ve been taking a whole bunch of quizzes this week. Maybe it’s all the love in the air that just made me want to have fun.

Quizzes/Happy Things:

  1. I took Which Winnie The Pooh Character Are You? (It’s my all time favorite childhood cartoon. I STILL watch it.) OF COURSE I would get Piglet!



2. I then took Which Peanuts Character Are You? http://www.buzzfeed.com/keelyflaherty/which-peanuts-character-are-you#.mjWnVjmwd

Good thing I love Sally and have a “Sweet Baboo” hahaha


3. If those weren’t enough, I then decided I needed to know Which Gilmore Girls Character Are You? I would be. I got Rory 🙂 Of course, I needed my mom to then take the quiz. She got….drum roll please….Lorelei.


Valentine’s Day History: 



Movie List-Took me a while to track down a decent one! http://www.bhg.com/holidays/valentines-day/cards/romantic-movies-for-valentines-day/viewall/

Where Are Michelle Tanner’s Friends?- Bustle http://www.bustle.com/articles/136245-where-are-michelles-friends-from-full-house-today-theyre-all-grown-up-now

The Office- The Best Jim and Pam Episodes for Valentine’s Day- HerCampus http://www.hercampus.com/school/pitt/best-jim-and-pam-episodes-watch-valentine-s-day

This week I’m also in search of a new Easter/Springtime type wreath. Wish me luck!

Last night, I brought Marty heart-shaped pizza 🙂 and then I made chocolate chip angel food cake. The pizza seemed to be a hit. Thanks, Papa John’s!

-XOXO & Have a great day filled with love, maybe flowers and hopefully some chocolate 🙂

In Omnia Paratus


This sandwich right here is a really big freaking deal. Huge. To you, it looks like an ordinary sandwich (well, maybe not because of the bread). I used cinnamon raisin bread, because well that’s the BEST kind of bread there is. Anyways, you’re looking at it probably asking yourself what is so dang special about this particular sandwich. It’s a peanut butter sandwich and an apple. The special part: the fact that there are 2 whole pieces of bread. 2!!!!! Not 1. Not 1 1/2….but 2! I never never never ever eat sandwiches with 2 pieces of bread. I’m scared of it and I don’t like it and I don’t wanna do it. I felt like eating a “sandwich” with 1 piece of bread gave me some type of discipline and control that other people just didn’t have. That’s so not true!!! It means that I irrationally fear a piece of bread. Who in the world is afraid of bread? Me.

I ate that sandwich with 2 pieces of bread because I’ve recently come to a very startling, harsh and horrifying fact that’s staring at me straight in the face. I’m scared/nervous to even type it out. This is my heart on my sleeve. This is an insight into the most vulnerable part of my being. Exposing all of my elements, secrets and disguises.

Some times things just happen to you. I didn’t mean for this eating disorder to happen to me. While it could probably be argued that I did in fact do this to myself, I didn’t realize that’s what I was doing initially. I just thought I was “getting healthy”. I didn’t originally set out to lose more than 5 pounds or just gain a little bit of muscle tone. I didn’t. I didn’t realize that “getting healthy” meant becoming a slave to my own mind, being frightened of almost all foods, being afraid to be around people, sleeping just plain awful at night, having my thoughts consumed with food, and worst of all being unnerved, and sent into an utter panic over my own feelings and emotions that I buried deeper the more I developed my eating disorder.

So, what the heck am I rambling on about? I went to the doctor last Monday so I’ve had an entire week to process and cope with this. When you go to the doctor, they make you get on a scale (which I get on backwards as to not see the numbers) and take your blood pressure. Twas that day that I was suddenly slammed with the reason why I’m so cold all the time, my fingernails are often found a shade of purple, sometimes why I’m kind of mean and angry, and why tired so quickly in the evening. At first I just noticed that my blood pressure was lower than usual. Like way lower. I already have a lower blood pressure but this was abnormal for even me. Then, at the end of the appointment, the nurse handed me this paper that was just going over what the doctor had said to me. I glanced at it, not realizing that it would have my weight on it…..it did. It was at that point, that I realized why I always seemed to live in Antarctica and everyone else seemed to live on a normal continent.

It was at that moment where I felt panic and my heart ached. I never meant to do that to myself. I never meant for things to get quite that bad. I didn’t even realize I was doing it, that it was happening, that things changed or how I even achieved that. I didn’t want my gold star……..

It was at that moment that I realized……I might actually be sick.

So here I am. Trying to make arrangements to change that. Arrangements that are going to push me. They are going to help me heal and enjoy life and live in color instead of living in black and white and watching the colors swirl around me. These things are going to push me and I’m going to push back because I DO NOT WANT TO do them. I don’t. I don’t wanna change. I worked hard for this. BUT I HAVE TO. HAVE TO. I don’t have a choice anymore. If I want to continue living, if I want to continue to have a life with my husband, if I want to teach kids, and one day if I want to have a family. I have to keep pushing for the healthy version of me. I have to fight for the good.

But following inspiration people who are doing the same things as me or are a little further along in their journey than me is helpful. Especially when they are so kind as to stop, reach out their hand, and touch others.


God bless, Julia of http://www.lord-still-loves-me.com/

On a much happier note 🙂

Image: http://bluesclues.wikia.com/wiki/Blue’s_Clues_House

I also finished my mini cross stitch this afternoon while I watched a ton of Gilmore Girls AND the Charlie Brown Valentine’s Day DVD I got!! I’m kind of obsessed with Charlie Brown and all things Peanuts. And maybe it’s just me, but this little house I did sort of reminds me of the Blue’s Clues house….haha.


Now I just want to go watch all the animated movies in my drawer!!!! Really, I’m just a child in an adult body.