Monthly Archives: February 2016

Link Love 2/28

Happy Sunday!!! I hope your weekend has been wonder-filled and this week will be great 🙂 I’m personally hoping for some warmer weather ’round these parts (insert cowboy voice).

Quizzes/Fun Stuff: 

9 Illustrated Tweets That Will Actually Make You Laugh Buzzfeed #5 about the dinner cracks me up!

11 Important Clothing Questions We Have For Disney Princesses-

Just mainly because I love Disney and Princesses and I probably wish I was a Disney Princess.

Which Children’s Book Is Your Life Most Like?- The Little Engine That Could. I loved this book as a kid!!!

Which Cartoon House Should You Live In? – Zimbo. The Flintstone House

Interesting Reads For Fun: 

46 Cookie Recipes From All Over The World-

I know, I know, it’s not even anywhere near Christmas and you probably don’t even want to think about the holidays BUT they are always on my mind AND who doesn’t love cookies?

What Can $1 Buy Around the World?

This was just eye opening, mind boggling and cool. However, I think this article was from 2014, but still. The U.S. was kind of lame though. Parking…..really?

I need to go to Hungary so I can get 4 apples but not real sure I want to be visiting France if that’s all I can get for my dollar.

Health/ED Reads:

7 Things Your Friend With An Eating Disorder Wants You To Know- Caitlin Flynn, Bustle

7 Lessons I’m Learning From My Eating Disorder Recovery- Meghan Kacmarcik,Bustle. #4. For Real.

Good Things Friday


I know that Thursdays are for thinking out loud…..but I’m kind of going to do that now. There has just been some random high points in my life that I think have been fun and I want to share 🙂


Life Update #1: I finished my 2nd cross stitch pattern in the set!! Go me! Now I have a fox and a bunny 🙂 2 down, 2 more to go. I’m almost sad because that means it will be over 😦


Life Update #2: I got my vote on. I even used the electronic ballot this time. Early voting is the way to go. I kind of look like a hot mess with my crazy hair and no

Life Update #3: Y’all. I. Drank. Some. Chocolate. Milk. I’m not a huge milk person, so this is already a big deal. However, it’s kind of an even bigger deal because I was “drinking” some of my calories, milk is kind of on my fear food list, and this drink/food kind of had some fat in it. Wham, bam! All sorts of scary/exciting things happening there. BUT I LOVEEEEE chocolate. Seriously love. And it turns out it was pretty good. How’s that for eating disorder awareness week?!

Life Update #4: On the same day I drank my milk I think God was sending me a sign. I was substituting that day at a school and I had to go out with the 3rd graders at lunch for recess. This sweet boy brought me over this cross with flowers!!! How adorable is that?! I think that was God speaking to me saying, “Hey, girl, you CAN in fact drink the chocolate milk and live life to the fullest!”

Move Over, KFC!

Move over KFC and Whataburger, my chicken strips could be coming for you! Totally kidding, not even kind of close, but still good. My homemade chicken strips adventure was a success!!! I used a recipe from Skinny Ms that was really for chicken nuggets but I was too lazy to cut up chicken so I just bought tenders. These were super easy to make though!

The “before”

The “after”. They really don’t look much different do they?

Of course, I had to make my sweet potato fries because I’m completely obsessed with sweet potatoes!! Anyone else have a love for sweet potatoes? All in all, I’m very proud of myself for this 🙂

Wednesday Reads

Demolishing The “Fat Makes You Fat” Myth- Paleo Leap

Part of what started my eating disorder initially was the fact that I am scared, no terrified, complete petrified of “fat” in my food. When I read nutrition facts, I go straight to the “fat” content. So when I’ve been at my lowest points, I’ve basically been eating no fat. When I met with the nutritionist she reassured me that a body does need fat from foods and it’s NOT all bad!!!! You need grams of fat in your diet! This has been a huge roadblock and hurdle for me to tackle because I’m so used to not eating it, avoiding it or feeling guilty about consuming it. I decided maybe I needed to read it from an article that “fat” wasn’t bad, so there is the article I read and keeps the majority of my anxiety over this at bay (there is still a TON).

New Campaign Reveals The Truth About Beauty- Kelsey Miller; Refinery 29; Project Heal

This is eating disorder awareness week as most of you know and I just thought this article from Project Heal was spectacular.  I encourage you to think about yourself when it talks about the hashtags #WhatMakesMeBeautiful. What makes you beautiful? You can’t be wrong!!!! It’s your own opinion of yourself and how you feel about Y-O-U. I love what all of the women in the slideshow had to say about themselves, it was uplifting to see that loving yourself and liking parts of yourself isn’t frowned upon, but in fact encouraged! I am challenging myself with this same question of what makes me beautiful.

Question: Does anybody know what Pixar’s movie The Good Dinosaur is about? Hahahaha…I’m a 21 year old child.

Hot Messes Eat Carrot Cake

Excuse me being a hot mess!!! 

My entire outfit and hair situation is a bit of a disaster (but it’s kind of fun). Anyways,  Zulily finally got my ordered shipped and I got my new pair of heart-shaped sunglasses!! Score! They they little red and blue anchors on the ear pieces. I love shopping on Zulily, the only downfall is that they take forever to ship stuff.

Also, that orange water bottle is relevant because I’m currently feuding (but they don’t know it) with Walmart! I am completely in love with adding crystal light type things to my water, and my absolute favorite flavor is the Great Value Brand cherry limeade flavor. BOTH times I have gone to the store in the past week they HAVE NOT had the singles!!!! Grrrrr. Finally, I caved and decided I had to try something new. I got this Orange Crush singles and they are pretty dang fantastic, but they are no cherry limeade. But they work for now.

2016-02-22 14.48.52

Yesterday, I also had a spring/Easter type wreath victory!!


It’s a bunny, which is Easter, but I had to work with what stores had. This little guy came from Michael’s. It’s kind of Easter themed and I really wanted more spring, but it will work until at least May when they will hopefully (fingers crossed!) have a better selection. He’s super cute or at least I think so.

Lastly, I was running around with my mom yesterday and we ended up meeting up with my dad and younger brother. Mom and I had already eaten lunch but the boys were hungry so they wanted to eat at Rosa’s. Lately, I’ve been telling my mom how obsessed I am with the idea of carrot cake and making one. Conveniently, Rosa’s happens to sell chocolate and carrot cake so my mom suggested that we split this one. I pretty much agreed without hesitation because that’s what recovery is about. Conquering fears. So, I willed myself and mustard up the courage to eat some bites of this cake. Guess what?! It’s pretty delicious and I will for sure be baking the recipe I pinned on Pinterest this week! Good thing it’s both of my parent’s birthdays this week.

I’m still kind of mad at myself for eating it. I’m sure I will be mad for a few days. Maybe even the whole week. However, I’m still walking around and living today, so it didn’t kill me to eat the 4 bites of cake! The world didn’t crash down and nothing drastic happened because I ate cake. Everything is still okay!!!! Which, in the end, is all I can really ask for.

Little victories, y’all.

Tonight, I’m going to try and make homemade chicken strips. Wish me luck!!

Link Love & NEDA Awareness Week

This week marks the beginning of National Eating Disorder Association’s Eating Disorder Awareness Week: February 21-27 (Also rare disease awareness day is February 29th, my brother has ITP.)

In honor of that, huge kudos to Aerie by American Eagle for selling this shirt that all of the proceeds during this week go towards supporting NEDA.


Interesting Reads:

Fun Stuff/Quizzes:

Recipes To Try:

(I’ve been really wanting to try/make some lately!)

Friday’s Are For Fun

Part 1: Thursday Night

Last night I made crockpot chicken tacos for dinner. It was super easy. Way too easy actually and they turned out good!!! Thumbs up to myself. I didn’t eat them “taco” style, obviously. I ate mine in a taco salad sort of manner. I added black beans and asparagus into the mix.

Then, after dinner, Marty was watching the Vikings marathon in preparation for the new season starting last night so I went into the bedroom and worked on my cross stitch (which is currently a bunny) and because I’m a 21 year old child, I watched The Easter Bunny is Coming to Town. I wanted to watch Hop, but I don’t have that movie. Y’all, this is seriously THE corniest movie EVER. It was bad. I think I intended to buy Here Come Peter Cottontail, but made this mistake instead. Anyways, I’m currently in the Easter spirit 🙂

Part 2: Friday

Because we all know that I’m obsessed with Which Wich…..I had a bowlwich!!! Today mom and I ate there while I was getting some tire stuff done to my car. Thank goodness, this sub shop was conveniently located directly across the street 😉

In my shopping today I was in search of some dried fruit. I’ve actually never eating an apricot before but the choices were slim pickin’s. So I just kind of went for it and I’m so glad I did because they are actually delicious!!

Lastly, in life-well since Tuesday- I’m trying to find the fun, positive, exciting, uplifting and happy parts of life. I was also in search of today a vase for the flowers Marty got me for Valentine’s Day. I went into Michael’s to see what they had and stumbled upon these adorable lunch-type containers.

They cracked me up!! They had some more components on the inside that had more funny sayings.


Totally adorable and I kind of want them!! The yay! leftovers one was the funniest. I think they were Betsey Johnson or something like that. Anyway, Friday’s are for fun findings 🙂

Why I Gave Up Make-Up #BeYouAsIs

Every year I give up something for Lent. I’m not Catholic, but I’ve found great value in the practice of cutting something out of my life or adding something into it for 40 days. Lent started on Febulary 10th, but I was on a plane home from Hawaii that day, and with the launch of Beating 50 Percent, and filming for Little People Big World, I’ve just now got around to writing this post! Please forgive my tardiness. I’ve been practicing Lent since I was a freshman in high school. My best friend Ellen’s family practiced it, and that’s when I first found out what it even was.  Since then, each year my best friend and I come together and observe the season of lent. We have often done similar things, and it’s great to know that she is holding me accountable, and I her. If you don’t know what Lent is, Lent is a solemn religious observance in the liturgical calendar of many Christian denominations that begins on Ash Wednesday and covers a period of approximately six weeks before Easter Sunday. This year Lent began on Wednesday February 18th, and will end on Thursday April 2nd. Over the years I’ve given up chocolate, eating after 9 p.m., social media, my hair curler/straightener, make-up, and buying clothes. When I was in college, I decided to add something in place of the thing given up. The first time I did this I was a junior in college. I gave of make-up, and in addition added what I called, “prayer and praise.” Basically, I wrote one thank you note each day to someone that had impacted my life for better, and I committed to praying for that person throughout that day. It blessed me to speak words of encouragement and thanksgiving to my loved ones. During my senior year in college, I took it one step further.  I didn’t give anything up, but I added soemthing that I did everyday. I called it, “Lent Letter’s.” The idea was to send someone a prayer letter (yes a physical letter) every day for 40 days. Some of you may remember this, or maybe I even wrote you a letter because I posted to my IG stating that the first 40 people to e-mail me their mailing address would receive a prayer letter at some point during Lent!   I was in shock as I read some of the addresses, Canada, New York,…

Source: Why I Gave Up Make-Up #BeYouAsIs

A Teaspoon of Almond Butter

Sometimes celebrating a holiday late is even sweeter than celebrating on the actual day 🙂 Just like in 2014, when Marty and I celebrated our 1st (of course it was a few days late because he was being released from the Army and all) Valentine’s Day he brought me those wooden roses in the background. In 2016, he’s having both of those traditions continue. Flowers that don’t die 🙂

In more….less happy news. We have some things to lay out on the table here. Let’s talk about yesterday and today (mostly the morning).

After that doctor’s appointment a few weeks ago, it kind of scared me into recovery. I realize that I can’t keep doing what I have been and I CAN’T fix myself. So, yesterday, I got some help. I had a visit with a nutritionist who showed me a graph of what my body needs in high priority and what it’s currently getting with what I’m supplying it with. She gave me suggestions, meal ideas and kind of told me what would happen if I didn’t eat. Basically, it’s stuff I knew I needed, but I just needed to be told by someone certified in that field that it was okay to eat “fat” and “protein”. Mainly the fat. I’ve been so scared of it. I find myself wondering lately how death actually hasn’t already greeted me after seeing those results……………..

Back to the “fat” part. I need those for so many reason. To function properly, to digest, for my brain to operate correctly, to have a baby one day, ultimately to not die and for those essential amino acids. Scary/serious stuff y’all.

Here I am. Staring at the cold hard information. Someone can tell me to eat all day and that it’s good for me, it’s the applying it over and over, day in and day out that’s the hard part. I’m sitting here trying to make a grocery list remembering…BABY STEPS. I CAN’T automatically start eating like that. My body literally won’t be able to handle or process it because I’ve deprived it for so long. Ease into it. Baby steps. I’m completely and utterly terrified. Scared out of my freaking dang mind.

I had extreme anxiety last night at the though of eating Justin’s Maple Almond Butter that I had my mom get so I could start my first baby step this morning.

I drove home with this almond butter sitting shotgun the whole way and as I got out to open the gate in front of my house I felt like I was going to cry. I’m just scared. This is the most horrifying adventure I’ve ever had to go on. But I HAVE to go. I have no choice. I was stressed out and nervous and I knew the next day was going to be different and HARD. And the day after that, and the next week……

Turns out though, almond butter is pretty good. Even if it was only a teaspoon.

Link Love: Valentine’s Day Edition

Happy Valentine’s Day!!! ❤ 

I’ve been taking a whole bunch of quizzes this week. Maybe it’s all the love in the air that just made me want to have fun.

Quizzes/Happy Things:

  1. I took Which Winnie The Pooh Character Are You? (It’s my all time favorite childhood cartoon. I STILL watch it.) OF COURSE I would get Piglet!


2. I then took Which Peanuts Character Are You?

Good thing I love Sally and have a “Sweet Baboo” hahaha


3. If those weren’t enough, I then decided I needed to know Which Gilmore Girls Character Are You? I would be. I got Rory 🙂 Of course, I needed my mom to then take the quiz. She got….drum roll please….Lorelei.

Valentine’s Day History:


Movie List-Took me a while to track down a decent one!

Where Are Michelle Tanner’s Friends?- Bustle

The Office- The Best Jim and Pam Episodes for Valentine’s Day- HerCampus

This week I’m also in search of a new Easter/Springtime type wreath. Wish me luck!

Last night, I brought Marty heart-shaped pizza 🙂 and then I made chocolate chip angel food cake. The pizza seemed to be a hit. Thanks, Papa John’s!

-XOXO & Have a great day filled with love, maybe flowers and hopefully some chocolate 🙂

Silly Holiday, Love Is Constantly Around!

The holiday of Valentine’s Day is upon us!!!! The spirit of love fills the air and hopefully YOU!!! I know, I know, it’s kind of a silly holiday. I’m right there with, ya! I hear you. It’s goofy to have a specific date tell you when you are supposed to publicly proclaim your love for another individual. But also…..don’t you sort of secretly like it/love it? (slowly raises hand) I’ll admit it!! I’m a closet Valentine’s Day lover/appreciator. I mean, you don’t HAVE TO or NEED TO get me anything expensive or cool, just tell me you love me and we can eat pizza.

On that note, I’ve decided to just say some things I’m thankful for this holiday or that make me feel all the butterflies/fluttery hearts/warm and fuzzy inside ❤

  1. Family that Cares: Marty’s grandmother made enchiladas and somehow got them across the county to us! Nobody asked her to make them, it was literally out of the kindness of her heart that she just took it upon herself to make them. It was so stinkin’ sweet! So kind and thoughtful! Just to have someone think about you can make you feel all fuzzy 🙂 Marty said they were good.


2. Shared TV Shows: When Marty waits to watch the new episode of The Big Bang Theory until I get home, even though he doesn’t have to.

3. Children/Teaching: The kids at school who come up to you and how they are always excited to see your face and always willing to give you multiple hugs. Even IF they don’t know you!!

4. These quite spectacular zebra slippers that I forgot I had at my parents that now live with me again. Yay! Warm feelings.


5. Little things: Like when you come home a baby shower on a Sunday and haven’t been home since very early Saturday morning and your husband has picked up the house, run the dishwasher, cleared up some clutter, and separated the laundry piles. Little things can be big things.

6. Husbands/Marriage: When Marty and I find funny pictures on Facebook at night to laugh at together before bed.

Sometimes in all of the hardships in life, we have to stop and find the little things that make life so spectacular. We have to stop, refocus, and marvel. Not everything in life worth marveling at will hit you straight in the face or out rightly make you realize that it’s something big. Often times, little things are the big things. They are always there though. Always. You just have to be willing to take a minute to appreciate them, soak it all in.